Top Practices for Transformer Installation

For optimal safety, transformer installation has to occur in the correct environment under the right conditions. Contractors should take care when it comes to position and setup. Several practices can limit the safety hazards and other challenges associated with installation.
Structural Analyzation
When installing multiple transformers, contractors must ensure they evenly distribute the weight to keep the weight under the safe limit for the pole. Contractors mount sub-100 kVA single-phase distribution transformers above secondary mains. For any transformers over 100 kVA, you need platform or pad mounting. For indoor transformers, they should be kept close to columns.
Maintenance and Inspections
The top practices of transformer installation include inspections and maintenance. Before assembling any transformer, contractors should ground the tank permanently. While liquid-filled transformers can be stored outside, contractors must maintain a positive pressure between one and two psi. Pressure readings need to be recorded regularly.
Before any power is given to the transformer, it requires a final inspection. All electrical connections and gaskets should be tight. Check all electrical clearances in the tank and ensure there are no leftover tools.
Outdoor Transformer Care
For outdoor transformers, they should be located in an environment where they will not bear the brunt of damage from natural or human elements. They should never be in a position where cars collide with them or something may fall on them. When enclosures are concerned, they should have ventilation slits small enough that no one can fit their hands inside or stick objects in the enclosure.
Professionals should inspect the soil to make sure the dirt will not shift under the transformer. For instance, clay may compress under the weight and cause problems later.
Transformer installation does not have to be dangerous. To keep transformers from being a hazard or functioning correctly, contractors need to carry out proper maintenance, installation and inspections. The right location and installation can reduce costs and safety problems.