Tips for Ensuring a Smooth Data or Phone System Relocation
Today’s businesses require much more intricate and extensive electrical, phone and data cabling. This need makes moving or expanding your business much more complicated. However, these are tips to help you make your relocation easier.
Inspect the New Site
Before anything is packed up and moved, you and a licensed electrical contractor need to inspect the new site. Find out what type of phone and data cabling is already in place and whether it is in usable shape. If you find damaged or insufficient wiring, you should have it addressed before you move your phone system or technological machinery. Also, check to ensure that the new site can handle the electrical load you will place on it. Getting these lines inspected and fixed prior to your move can save you money because you won’t have to shut your business down to make these repairs.
Stay Organized
Anyone who has moved understands how easy it can be to become disorganized during the transition. Make detailed lists and label everything. Keep your staff informed about the relocation and give them instructions on how they can help.
You also need to inform your phone service provider that you plan to move or expand your operations. These companies can then help you with your transition so that you don’t have an extended reconnection time. For example, some phone service providers can take up to 60 days to reconnect your lines, but if they know ahead of time, they may be able to eliminate any downtime whatsoever.
Work With Professionals
When you relocate machinery and phone systems, a professional electrical contractor can guide you on what electrical supplies can be left behind and what should be taken with you. The more you can use, the more money you can save.
Your company needs to remain in contact with its customers, vendors and staff members. Staying organized and working with professionals to inspect and transfer your data cabling can reduce any communication gaps.