The Benefits Of A Backup Generator

A home backup generator for use during power outages.Equipping your home or business with a backup generator is an extremely beneficial investment, especially for this time of year. As blizzard season begins it’s likely that your home is at risk of losing power and if you’re not prepared, that could mean a lot of money down the drain.


Residential Generator Benefits

While a generator may seem like a costly investment now, it can save you a lot of money down the line especially when a power outage strikes without warning, (which is almost always the case). Think about the money lost in a power outage — food can become spoiled, your basement is suddenly at risk of flooding if your sump pump won’t operate, there’s the cost of a hotel stay if things get really bad and the list goes on. With a backup generator you won’t have to worry about wasting refrigerated food and you can enjoy the comfort of lights, running water and heat without leaving your home. Backup generators can kick right in after the first signs of a power outage so you can go about your business like nothing ever happened. So, a seemingly expensive addition, can really show you a return on your investment.


Commercial Generator Benefits

When it comes to your business anytime spent not working, is money lost. Should your place of business suffer a power outage from a windy summer thunderstorm or from a wintry blizzard, you’re likely going to lose business from customers. Generators are especially crucial for companies in healthcare and services, as loss of power can be deadly. Relying on the power company to get you up and running again is not worth the risk, as we’ve seen more and more widespread weather induced power outages. Your best bet is to invest in a commercial backup generator so you’re prepared for the next outage and can keep your doors open when your competitors have to force theirs shut.


Interested in having a generator installed today? Give us a call at WC McBride Electric or click here for a free quote.